South Florida Home Prices Led Nation

Filed in What's New? by on November 25, 2014

Jupiter and South see big home price increases

Day at Jupiter Beach

Home prices in South Florida again led the nation with gains for September. It was the only metropolitan area with double digit increases among a nationwide slowdown. Places like Jupiter Florida home sales continue to surge. Palm Beach , Broward and Dade County saw a 10.3% increase over last September. With home prices nationwide on a slow down we may expect a slowing here as well  after season. Many homebuyers may be lowering their budgets and may be a bit disappointed once they see the South Florida home market.


Jupiter makes Top Ten Best Florida Cities

Recently Boca Raton made it to the Wall Street #11 spot for best places to live but did not make the cut in the Movoto study. The only Palm Beach County town that made the list was Jupiter Florida. Jupiter was in the top five with Cape Coral and Gainesville Florida.  Boca Raton came in 24th. Jupiter had the 7th lowest crime rate in the list. The survey was based on amenities, quality of life, median home price median household income and student to teacher ratios. Jupiter and Palm Beach Gardens is the hotspot in Palm Beach County to live. We don’t see the traffic they have down South and the amenities in the area are better than ever. But, it’s an expensive place to live. The median home price is well over the average $274,000 in the County and probably more towards the $400,000 median price range for a single family home. The old adage you get what you pay for applies to Jupiter.

Jupiter Home Sales Search

Start searching for a home or condo here in Jupiter Florida today. Use our websites and see every property for sale as well as recent sales, new listings and our Top Ten Best Homes in Jupiter list. If you can’t find what you want in Jupiter visit our Hutchinson Island website and search for more affordable living in South Florida. Hutchinson Island oceanfront condos are 25% less than Jupiter condos and you are just 30-45 minutes North of Jupiter. Visit the town of Jupiter website.


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